
My Checklist for Detailed Site Audit

by @seocliniq (12), 4 years ago

Why are sites audit critical at the beginning of your SEO Project? They Help you set attainable goals. Help you manage the available resources effectively. You'll get an overview of critical issues. You'll get a list of quick wins. Its easier to communicate with clients​

Step 1 - Review website usability - See website as an Average User

  • Is the website easy to use
  • Is the font size easy to read
  • Is navigation identifiable
  • Are styles and colors consistent
  • Are there any obtrusive ads and pop-ups

Step 2 - Suggest Strategic Objectives

  • Can you guess what customers want? Focus on specific at attainable goals
  • Increase site search visibility by around 50% within the next 6 month
  • Grow sites lead volume from organic search by 20% within the next 12months
  • Increase the number of link building domain by 40% within the next 3 months

Step 3 - Analyze Research Keywords

  • Audit the existing keyword list
  • Build a Keyword list from scratch
  • Find a primary keyword Target
  • Asses search intent
  • Look out related queries on your topic
  • Find relevant keywords and subtopics for your post
  • Asses you chances of ranking in Google

Step 4 - Analyze competitors

  • Identify competitors
  • Check their Keywords
  • Check the Domain Strength
  • Check the on-page optimization rate
  • Audit the Site structure
  • Review the top-ranking content / Analyze competitors backlinks Check Link Intersections = quick wins
  • Check other online marketing activities

Step 5 - Basic Setup

  • Create A Sitemap
  • Check for a robots.txt file
  • Setup Google Analytics
  • Setup Google Search Console
  • Yoast SEO Plugin

Step 6 - Audit site for technical issues And Top Landing Pages

  • Check Critical Issues First (Robos.txt, page blocked from indexing, pages with redirects, 4xx/5xx status codes)
  • Check Other Warning and Issues
  • Check Sitewide Onpage Issues
  • Check Site Speed & Responsiveness
  • Ensure that your site is mobile-friendly Fix external and Internal Broken Links

Step 7 - Audit Site Client Backlink

  • Check Link Authority
  • Check link relevance
  • Check Link Velocity
  • Check Link Targeting
  • Check Link diversity
  • Analyze link anchor Text

Step 8 - Sum up top actions items

  • Top indexing/crawlability items
  • Top Keywords
  • Top Content action item

If you find valuable information above, And you have site want to try audit, then give me feedback or you may message me at so that I can try my checklist SEO Site Audit. Cheers!!!

7 Replies
6 Users
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by @axeonlineblog (139), 4 years ago

Really nice tips thanks for sharing such a wonderful post

by @willeachrank (120), 4 years ago

Wow, great efforts and hard work laid out. Thanks for sharing this amazing guide

by @shawnseoblog (32), 4 years ago

Its an awesome checklist for SEO, thank you, for sharing with Us

by @kenbrussseo (132), 4 years ago

All the information in a single post.Nice work.

by @robgarimblog (143), 4 years ago

Wow, great efforts and hard work laid out. Thanks for sharing this amazing guide.

by @quyiksh (120), 4 years ago

great tips for audit

by @axeonlineblog (139), 4 years ago

Amazing! What a great help for my site audit. Thanks!

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