
How to index new 300+ url instantly?

by @Priyankka (132), 1 year ago

Hi All, I have a new e-commerce site with 500 URLs. I have done internal linking of all urls but still my 300+ urls are non indexed. Can you please suggest which SEO off page activities should be done to index new webpages?

6 Replies
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by @Gamerseo (1330), 1 year ago

You can try to get a few backlinks, but it always takes time to crawl that many products.

by @binayjha (5139), 1 year ago

You can submit those URLs in bookmarking sites for faster crawling.

by @melissahow (115), 1 year ago

You can use Pin tools and put them in your website's H1 and H2 tags, but Google will still take some time to crawl your site.


Indexing depends on many factors. Make sure you have done proper off-page and on-page SEO and built quality backlinks from authority sites. I prefer guest-posting to get high-quality links from authority sites. Postifluence is very helpful for me in getting details of authority sites from my niche for outreach.

by @Priyankka (132), 1 year ago

Thank you all for your replies

by @binayjha (5139), 1 year ago

@Priyankka Please let us know whether the issue has been resolved and what worked. It might helps everyone in future too.

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