How to Block SEO Tools to check my website?
by @fakhrfar (125), 1 year ago
Hi, I need to know is there any tool or plugin to block SEO tools to check traffic on my website?
by @binayjha (5929), 1 year ago
Using Robots.txt file any unwanted bot or crawler can be restricted to visiting a web server.
by @ms (4463), 1 year ago
robots.txt is helpful if the bot you want to avoid respects it. However, there are too many crawlers and bots that don't give a s*, and blocking them is challenging. IP/IP range comes to mind, but those bigger ones use multiple hosts and locations so you'd have to block way too much of a range that could lead to site unavailability for some of your visitors.
I feel your pain though.
by @fakhrfar (125), 1 year ago
Thanks ill try it
by @yoJamesMarchanturusername (415), 1 year ago
You can restrict certain SEO tools and bots from accessing your website's traffic data through techniques such as:
- Adjusting your robots.txt file.
- Configuring your web server.
- Utilizing WordPress plugins.
- Employing cloud-based security services. However, it's generally advised against blocking legitimate SEO tools, as they offer valuable insights for enhancing your website's performance and SEO. Proceed with caution and assess the potential consequences on your site's visibility and search engine ranking when implementing these methods.
by @agencydanang (105), 1 year ago
Thanks bro, I will try it!!!