How can i build tons of backlinks within very few time with spam score under 1%?
I have found a website over internet and i saw it had more than 3 lac backlinks but domain age is 1 year only. I think it is impossible to make such number of backlinks manually. But the main thing is that the spam score for that website is 1%. How they have achieved it?
@binayjha how you have achieved the goal of creating a 307k backlinks for your website. How can i implement the same for my client's website: . Please suggest me.
@binayjha how you have achieved the goal of creating a 307k backlinks for your website. How can i implement the same for my client's website: . Please suggest me.
In the past you could use them when creating mass links, but now if you use them google will think you are spamming
Yes, I agree with @MMHN that number of backlinks is also a parameter effecting search engine rankings.
No @costmasters1, this is untrue.
@binayjha i have also seen your website and you have created great number of backlinks as well in very less time. How did you achieved it?
Please explore for a better understanding. There are many other examples and different methodologies they follow.
@binayjha how a single website can point a lac backlinks to our website?
Please check the backlinks from unique domain. If a single site is pointing a lac backlinks then it can be possible.
Alternately, there are subscription based platforms which can make this possible. You can explore
I am looking for your reply @binayjha
The number is right sir. But i read somewhere that number of backlinks also matters a lot.
3 lac? I guess you have that number wrong. Anyway, number of backlinks doesn't really matter. It could be a sitewide link, who knows... each page = one link.
Focus on high quality backlinks instead, because it's not the volume that makes the difference.