
Citation-based academic link-building

by @Academic (110), 5 hours ago

A brand new link-building method has been developed by a team of academics and is used by more and more sites successfully since 2024, called the Citation-based academic link-building (CBALB). It allows sites in any niche (except illegal and including gambling) to acquire permanent contextual backlinks from high-authority (DR 80 – 93) academic sites where the CBALB academics contribute as researchers (science repositories and archives, academic blogs, and university scholarship resources). The only requirement for the client site is to publish a summarizing friendly version of a journal article with a topic of interest related to its niche, at their choice (written by an academic or another qualified person). That friendly article will be cited as summary (with link) along with the citation of that journal article in the references list of an available academic publication. Their portfolio of publishers includes: springernature. com, usc. edu, pitt. edu, harvard. edu, researchgate. net, philarchive. com, osf. io, hal. science, ssoar. info, mendeley. com, and other such authoritative sites. The CBALB works through an innovative two-step citation process that results in permanent contextual links. Among the main virtues of the CBALB is that the acquired links are secure, not volatile, and have the potential to self-replicate on other sites by external feed. Moreover, the page with the link is automatically backlinked from other high-authority academic portals listing that publication (,, Google Scholar, etc.), as well as through DOI citation.

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