
Can someone explain how he achieved this?

by @maxhar (112), 2 days ago

I came across someone who managed to index and rank his Google Groups conversation within a few hours. After some analysis, I was led to this site:(vaxesbike. com/product/pillar-spoke-x-tra-lite-ti/). While digging into it, I couldn't initially find the anchor text. However, upon inspecting the element, I discovered not only the anchor text and backlink but also a multitude of other backlinks in the same location. These backlinks are hovering from right to left at the top of the website.

Can someone explain how he achieved this and what his goal might be? I think it would make for an interesting case study.

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Eldar Cohen
by @Eldar Cohen (125), 13 hours ago

Getting your Google Groups conversation to show up fast and rank well on Google involves a mix of smart technical tactics and creating content that matches what people are searching for. When you post in Google Groups, Google can find and list those discussions quickly, which helps your content get seen faster. The key is to include links in your discussions that point to relevant pages like your product page. These links, called backlinks, are crucial for SEO because they can boost your page's ranking in Google searches if they have good keywords. It's also important to get people to engage with your discussion by clicking on it and leaving comments. This engagement signals to Google that your content is useful and interesting. The goal behind this strategy is usually to drive more traffic directly from Google Groups to your website and to build your brand's presence within those communities. The ethical approach here is to provide valuable information and interact genuinely, rather than just trying to manipulate search engines. This builds a stronger online reputation over time.

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