
Advice for my software blog

by @4yavuz (121), 1 week ago

Hi everyone,

I've recently written an article about Dependency Injection (DI) and I'm curious about how I can improve it from an SEO perspective. What SEO shortcomings does the current version have? Are there any other keywords that should be added, or how can the existing keywords be better optimized? I would appreciate any insights and recommendations.


multicode dot io/ dependency-injection-modern-software-development-essential/

3 Replies
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by @ms (4012), 1 week ago

If I had a good piece of content that could eventually rank and gain momentum in SERP, I'd try to get a strong link to it. There are places where this kind of content could work well and look natural; for example in discussion where someone asks about DI. You can also try a guest post on a blog within your niche in exchange for a link so you have an article on subject A (DI) and guest post on subject B (different than A but related to it), mention DI in B and link to A. That way you can earn good quality link for lower price.

If you want to leverage your own page authority, make sure the article is linked from your homepage and eventually link it from one or two related articles where DI is mentioned as well.

by @aliciaaddison (115), 1 week ago

Hey there! It sounds like you're looking to improve your software blog. I’d recommend checking out Impressico Digital. They specialize in advanced SEO, data analytics, and UI/UX design, which can really help boost your blog’s visibility and user experience. They also offer great digital marketing strategies to drive traffic. Their expertise could make a big difference for your blog

by @4yavuz (121), 1 week ago

Of course it will be amazing. But im just 16 years old student. I dont think that i can afford agency prices. I heard that giving to backlinks are better than giving to agencies. Thanks for advice. If this blog get bigger i will think about it.

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