Building backlinks

One of the most common questions even on Seoforum is "How to build backlinks?". The answer is quite complex ands as always, it depends...

What is link building?

Link building means earning backlinks from other websites, primarily to benefit from the link juice and ultimately rank higher in search engines.

Building the links

Creating [quality] backlinks is essential for improving your website's search engine ranking. Here are some of the most common and effective ways to create backlinks.

Guest Blogging

Writing and submitting articles to other websites can help you gain quality backlinks. Make sure to write high-quality content that is relevant to the website you are submitting to.

Directory Submissions

Submitting your website to web directories is an effective way to get backlinks. Make sure the directories are relevant to your website and are trusted by search engines. This method is still popular in 2023, but you should focus on quality instead of quantity in order to rank better.

Social Bookmarking

Social bookmarking sites such as Digg, Delicious or StumbleUpon allow users to add links to websites. This can help you acquire backlinks as well as potentially increase traffic to your website.

Forum Posting

Participating in online forums and discussion boards related to your niche can help you build relationships with other webmasters and get quality backlinks. Remember, spamming doesn't work - your posts will eventually be deleted and backlink will disappear. Losing backlinks is not a signal you're looking for.

Blog Commenting

Commenting on other blogs related to your niche is a good way to build relationships with other webmasters and gain quality backlinks.

Link Exchanges

Link exchanges are a great way to get quality backlinks to your website. Make sure to only exchange links with websites that are relevant to your niche. Again, quality over quantity applies here.

Social Networking

Networking with other webmasters and bloggers on social networks such as LinkedIn and Twitter can help you build relationships and receive relevant backlinks.