Discovered - currently not indexed

kurt0123 replied to the thread 1 year ago

@binayjha Many thanks for this !

Discovered - currently not indexed

kurt0123 replied to the thread 1 year ago

Hello and thanks, also Google is reporting redirect error for page I have the home page https://therapies-energetiques-mau...

Find YouTube Videos that links to your site/page

kurt0123 replied to the thread 1 year ago

Hi and thanks for your replies, @binayjha, unfortunately the list in GSC is incomplete. I have a YouTube video which is published since Oct. 2021 with a URL on a page on...

List of URLs indexed by Google

kurt0123 replied to the thread 2 years ago

Oops sorry, found the others in another report. Thanks again !

List of URLs indexed by Google

kurt0123 replied to the thread 2 years ago

Thanks yes, am in GSC. I just didn't notice the option to export in Excel. Thanks for pointing me to that. However, it gives me a list of about 650 URLs and noticed that...




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