May 21, 2024

Conflict with SEO

CarricoSEO replied to thread Conflict with SEO

Welp, their code doesn't work either. Love it even more. Great site.

Conflict with SEO

CarricoSEO replied to thread Conflict with SEO

Woah.. That message got messed up. Of course you can't edit your post on here lol. Love it.

Anyways, here is the code I was trying to provide you:

Conflict with SEO

CarricoSEO replied to thread Conflict with SEO

@michaelcrook Sorry all of these AI generated spammers are providing comments that do not help in any sort of way. It's pretty gross the @admins don't seem to be managing them.

Anyways, to help - I checked your pages, and I agree, I could not find any sort of "noindex" or issues with your robots.txt file.

One thought I had was

  1. I'm unsure what you mean by "Google Tools", but I would check one of your pages via Google Search console and inspect the page. Google "recrawl URL google" for a guide. If that is the tool that is telling you it's noindex via meta tags, then you likely have a more complex thing going on. I would check your crawl stats report in GSC to see if the robots.txt is failing or some other issue.

  2. Try adding any actual "index, follow" tag to the page. Unsure if this would help, but it could.

Likely won't help, but you could give it a shot!




My BIO is empty. Try checking my profile later.

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