Aug 11, 2021

My page views in GA have increased abnormally because of bot? How to solve this?

tadj31 replied to thread My page views in GA have increased abnormally because of bot? How to solve this?

hello, you can use cloudflare with your website to detect if this traffic is real or just bot.

Regarding off page activity

tadj31 replied to thread Regarding off page activity

There are many of them, including building backlinks to your site and texts that refer to your site that you should check some times a month because there are many fraudulent methods that competitors use to affect your site in the search engine. You can view a complete analysis of your site through this tool that gives you free trial period for 7 days.

Website ranking

tadj31 replied to thread Website ranking

First, this depends on the seniority of your site to rank in the Google search engine. I have 3 years of experience and I advise you to focus on topics that have no competition in Google, and that will make you top Google easily. There is a semrush tool that helps you get topics that have no competition. It gives you an accurate analysis of the competition sites, their backlinks, and the quality of each backlink, so you are confused about high quality backlinks. This is free for 7 days, so you should use this period to collect information and download it to your computer.




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