Jul 11, 2023

Robots.txt & Sitemap.xml not working

rootanna507 replied to thread Robots.txt & Sitemap.xml not working

It is important to have a robots.txt file on your website because it is a file where crawlers look for the content available on your website. You should make sure that the robots.txt file is accessible by the crawlers the same can be checked with the google's official tool.

If you use any CMS like wordpress or joomla, then by installing plugin you can generate the sitemap and robots.txt. On the other side, if you have a website without CMS or developed using any core language then you need to manually generate the same.

The same has happened with me because one of my article on best kodi addons was not accessible by the crawlers.

Jun 11, 2023

What does soft 404 error mean?

rootanna507 replied to thread What does soft 404 error mean?

A soft 404 occurs when a webserver replies to a page that doesn't exist with a 200 OK HTTP response code rather than the proper 404 Not Found.

Jun 10, 2023

How to rank a site as a rich answer on Google?

rootanna507 replied to thread How to rank a site as a rich answer on Google?

Choose attainable, complex keywords to target. Your writing must comprehensively and rationally respond to the query. Use formatting and organised data. Use Google tools like Autocomplete to spot search patterns. People also inquire. Create a page that people find interesting and useful to dominate the market with your content.

How to Increase my Youtube subscribers?

rootanna507 replied to thread How to Increase my Youtube subscribers?

Employ "Power Playlists" Post lengthy videos. Use your end screen to promote videos. Watermark your brand, please. Consider the video quality. Answer each comment. Make your channel description compelling. Streamline People to Become "Subscriber Magnets"

Jun 8, 2023

How to improve SEO ranking for my site?

rootanna507 replied to thread How to improve SEO ranking for my site?

Recognise your internet audience. Use keywords on your website and frequently update the content of your pages. Obtain links from other websites. Incorporate meta tags into your article. Keep abreast with the most recent SEO strategies.




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