Jul 5, 2023

Why is Google ranking my product page(s) higher than the product tag named after color?

relax published thread Why is Google ranking my product page(s) higher than the product tag named after color?

Example: I catagorized all my products colors with a product tag in WordPress/Woocommerce.

The website contains 100 products (let's say it's Shorts) in 7 different colors. All of the blue shorts have the tag "blue shorts". This makes it easy for my visitor to click on the tag "Blue shorts" to see only the blue ones.

However, Google is ranking a couple of the product pages, but not the tag itself. Isn't it logical to rank the tag containing all of the products higher than one product with "blue shorts" in the title/url? (In this case the product itself is also pretty thin on content)

My tags are well optimized to rank for "Blue shorts". (Page title, meta description, Headers, content, media, etc).

Would be interesting with some input. Thanks!




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