Jul 19, 2023

Solve Pages with Duplicate Meta Duplicate Tags & Content Error due to multilingual

rchalana published thread Solve Pages with Duplicate Meta Duplicate Tags & Content Error due to multilingual

I am using one of popular SEO tool and it showing me error of duplicate meta tags and content for below type of URL structures (I am taking as example) and I am working for agency. www.example.com/abc/ www.example.com/en_US/abc/ Currently there are no any canonical URLs present, both URLs have same content, same titles and tags

What's the best solution to avoid duplicate meta tags issues for this?

I was thinking to add below attributes, let me know if this is correct This is what I am thinking I am going to add below meta attributes for both pages


and same attributes for this page


As per my logics, using same link in canonical as 1st on both the pages can tell search engines that 2nd page is just for US language version so not to consider its content duplicate. is my thinking correct?

What is the Query to add in robots.txt for blocking URLs has some special characters?

rchalana published thread What is the Query to add in robots.txt for blocking URLs has some special characters?

I was going through the Google Search Console pages issues and one of the issue reason is "Alternate page with proper canonical tag" and this has some URLs which look like below

example.com/abc/?hstc_sdb.sdhjb16573.328y......and so on example.com/abc/?utm_term........and son on example.com/abc/?job... and so on example.com/abc/?amp... and so on example.com/abc/?hs... and so on

and many more like this, however, i am not sure from where these are coming so i though of adding queries in robots.txt for disallowing some attributes and to avoid these types of pages to be crawled by search engines (My 1st question if this is the right and good approach)

2nd questions is what can be the exact queries to be added in robots.txt for above mentioned URLs, are the below one will solve the purpose?

Disallow: /?amp Disallow: /?hs Disallow: /?__hstc Disallow: /?job Disallow: /?utm

if not what are the right queries?

Its a wordpress website




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