Jan 11, 2023

Meta Description Confusion

ezekielrochat published thread Meta Description Confusion

Hey All! Here are the details.

  • We launched a site on Webflow about 3 or 4 months ago.
  • We have submitted the site map to GSC multiple times.
  • We have title tags and meta descriptions set up properly.

Here's the issue.

For some reason when you do a brand search for the site, "allied industrial partners" - the top 4 results underneath the home page are all pulling in the same meta description.

See here: ![search results](https://uploads-ssl.webflow.com/62965ae5094af17f749c1244/63bf4aec3fac7c0e34a4ca63_search-results.png "enter image title here")

However, when I simply do an alternate search result with a site-specific variable, it shows the correct meta descriptions that we have set.

See here: ![alt search results](https://uploads-ssl.webflow.com/62965ae5094af17f749c1244/63bf4aebee0ab1df2b54b77f_alt-search-results.png "enter image title here")

I know that at the end of the day, Google gets to decide which meta description to show.

But any thoughts or ideas on how I could fix this or get them to reevaluate the meta descriptions that they are displaying?

Any help is much appreciated! Thanks!




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