Any advise? SEO not working right

Brandon replied to the thread 3 years ago

I just checked on a friend's two computers and got the same problem with Google. Opening up a phone emulator right now to see what it's doing on phones. One comfort is th...

Any advise? SEO not working right

Brandon replied to the thread 3 years ago

Thank you so much for trying to help MS. Very strange that google is giving you different results. As I am the creator I was afraid google might use data profiling to sh...

Any advise? SEO not working right

Brandon replied to the thread 3 years ago

Hi MS, the reason someone would type this into google is that when one does a voice search from their smartphone app, it commonly chooses to google it instead of going to...

Any advise? SEO not working right

Brandon replied to the thread 3 years ago

As you can see when I google or even google shows it first. But does not. It's s...

Any advise? SEO not working right

Brandon replied to the thread 3 years ago

Thanks guys! Dear Gamerseo, would you be so kind to show what you mean by that? When you say that the name influenced this, do you mean the name of the original strikingl...




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