Feb 16, 2024

How can I get this nearby shop map feature for my website

ranjithsavarakodi replied to thread How can I get this nearby shop map feature for my website

Thank you so much for your information. Can you share the implementation of the Google Map API key tutorial article or video source?

How can I get this nearby shop map feature for my website

ranjithsavarakodi published thread How can I get this nearby shop map feature for my website

Hello everyone,

Whenever I search any keywords on the Google search engine our competitor list is shown below "Nearby shop" map feature. Could you please help me how can I get a feature for my website?

I attached a sample of the screenshot for your understanding.

Looking forward to your tips and suggestions.

![enter image description here](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1r5MRHNWIBkCug4ASHnjjdn75MgpZu-Ut/view?usp=drive_link "enter image title here")




Ranjith Savarakodi is a digital marketer cum content creator and technology enthusiast. I have been working for more than 6 years in Digital Marketing including SEO, paid ads, and social media promotion.

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