Re: My youtube livestream is unsearchable
mvjkylol upvoted Re: My youtube livestream is unsearchableThose videos are completely unrelated to crypto. Did you buy the channel?
My youtube livestream is unsearchable
mvjkylol replied to thread My youtube livestream is unsearchableyes, is there any chance to make my livestream visible in search engine?
My youtube livestream is unsearchable
mvjkylol replied to thread My youtube livestream is unsearchableOh okay, I changed them to public. What are other red flags here?
My youtube livestream is unsearchable
mvjkylol replied to thread My youtube livestream is unsearchable![enter image description here]( "enter image title here")
Re: My youtube livestream is unsearchable
mvjkylol upvoted Re: My youtube livestream is unsearchableCan you tell us more about your channel? When it was started, how many subscribers at the moment, how many videos, views...
I mean, no one really knows the algorithm obviously, just like with Google Search. But we have to be realistic about it; successful channels get better positions and more impressions in YT Search. There is nothing to disagree about this, right?
So it's all about where your channel currently is, and all I can see is happening here is, that within ~20 minutes, there are so many livestreams started on YouTube, that you just can't find yours anywhere near top, because there are multiple that are more recent (started more recently), from more popular channels, from channels that aired better performing videos in the past... you name it.
YouTube is hard one. You have to keep working on your content & audience in order to get more popular and therefore rank higher. I don't see any proven shortcuts as of now.
Agree? Disagree?
My youtube livestream is unsearchable
mvjkylol published thread My youtube livestream is unsearchableHello, I have a lot of problems with 24/7 streaming. When I turn on a Youtube Livestream which is already botted with 4-6k+ premiere waiting views/live viewers it gets unindexed after 20 minutes of start. By typing "unindexed" I mean that I can't find my livestream anymore. Right after I start my livestream, it is in top5 when I search for it in youtube search with live filter. After like 20 minutes I can't find it unfiltered or filtered anymore. I always search for all page results for my main keyword of livestream but I can't find it anymore.
How can I fix that problem and get my livestream high in rank using no filters? Please help.