Oct 19, 2023

why is my position in search console dropping?

muhammad replied to thread why is my position in search console dropping?

Also read this guide Ranking in search engine results depends on a combination of various factors that search engines like Google use to determine the relevance and authority of web pages. These factors are part of a search engine's ranking algorithm. While the specific details of these algorithms are proprietary and not disclosed, we have a good understanding of the key factors that influence search rankings. Here are some of the most important factors that impact rankings:

Content Quality and Relevance:

High-quality, relevant, and original content is a crucial ranking factor. It should provide value to users and answer their questions or solve their problems. Keywords:

Effective keyword research and optimization are essential. Use relevant keywords in your content, titles, headings, and meta tags. On-Page SEO:

This includes optimizing title tags, meta descriptions, headers, and image alt text. Ensure proper keyword usage and a clear site structure. Backlinks:

The quality and quantity of backlinks to your site are crucial. High-authority and relevant backlinks from other reputable websites can boost your rankings. Mobile-Friendliness:

Mobile-friendliness is increasingly important as more users access the internet via mobile devices. Responsive web design is a ranking factor. Page Load Speed:

Faster-loading pages tend to rank higher. Optimize images, reduce server response times, and use content delivery networks (CDNs) to improve page speed. User Experience (UX):

A positive user experience, including easy navigation, clear calls to action, and low bounce rates, can indirectly affect rankings. Technical SEO:

Properly structured URLs, canonical tags, robots.txt files, and schema markup are all important technical SEO elements. Security:

Websites with HTTPS encryption tend to rank higher, as it provides a safer and more secure experience for users. Social Signals:

While not a direct ranking factor, social signals from platforms like Facebook and Twitter can influence visibility and traffic. Content Freshness:

Fresh, updated content can improve your rankings. Regularly updating your blog or news section can be beneficial. Site Architecture:

A logical and well-organized site structure can help search engines understand the hierarchy and relationships between pages. Local SEO:

For businesses with physical locations, local SEO factors such as Google My Business optimization, local citations, and customer reviews are important. Page Authority and Domain Authority:

Search engines consider the authority of your pages and your overall domain. Quality backlinks and content play a significant role here. User Engagement Metrics:

Metrics like click-through rates (CTR), time on page, and bounce rates can influence rankings, as they reflect user satisfaction. Mobile-First Indexing:

Google has shifted to mobile-first indexing, which means that your mobile site's content and performance significantly impact rankings. It's important to note that search engine algorithms are constantly evolving, and what works today may not be as effective in the future. Staying up to date with SEO best practices and adapting to algorithm changes is crucial for maintaining and improving your search rankings. Additionally, each search engine may have its own unique ranking factors, with Google being the most prominent and widely used search engine.

why is my position in search console dropping?

muhammad replied to thread why is my position in search console dropping?

Also you have to increase your page speed for ranking you can check your page speed from pagespeed.web.dev

why is my position in search console dropping?

muhammad replied to thread why is my position in search console dropping?

I have checked your website and found no backlinks. To rank your website you have to get niche related backlinks from high authority websites Thanks!

International SEO Duplicate Content Issue For Same Content On Different Cctlds In The Same

muhammad replied to thread International SEO Duplicate Content Issue For Same Content On Different Cctlds In The Same

It seems you're facing a common issue related to international SEO and hreflang tags on your multi-country domain e-commerce site. The problem you've described where Google selects a different canonical URL than what you intended can be challenging, but there are several steps you can take to address it:

Review Your Hreflang Tags:

Double-check that your hreflang tags are correctly implemented on all pages. Ensure that they match the language and region of the content on each page. Canonical Tags:

Confirm that the canonical tags on each page are set to the correct self-referencing URL. This should be the URL for the specific country domain. Content Variations:

If your content is similar across multiple country domains (e.g., 90% the same), consider whether you can create unique content elements on each page to help distinguish them in Google's eyes. HTML sitemaps:

Consider creating HTML sitemaps for each country domain that list all of the pages specific to that domain. Include hreflang annotations in the sitemap to provide additional signals to Google. Hreflang Validation:

Use Google's Search Console and other SEO tools to validate your hreflang implementation and check for any errors or issues. Google's International Targeting report in Search Console can be helpful. Geo-Targeting Settings:

In Google Search Console, configure your international targeting settings for each country domain. This helps Google understand the target audience for each domain. Consolidate Similar Content:

If you have content that's almost identical across domains, you can use the rel="alternate" tag to group these pages together. This indicates to Google that these pages are related and might not need individual indexing. Hreflang XML Sitemaps:

Create XML sitemaps for each country domain containing all the hreflang-annotated URLs for that specific domain. This can help Google understand the relationships between the different versions of your pages. User Experience and Content Localization:

Go beyond hreflang and focus on providing a great user experience for each audience. Localize content where possible and make sure the experience is tailored to the specific country. Seek Expert Advice:

If the issue persists, consider consulting with an SEO expert who specializes in international SEO, as this can be a complex problem to solve. Keep in mind that it may take some time for Google to recognize and reflect these changes in search results. Be patient and continue to monitor your performance in Google Search Console. If you're still facing challenges, consider reaching out to Google's Webmaster Support for guidance specific to your situation.

Remember that the correct implementation of hreflang tags and the consistency of canonical tags are crucial to resolving these issues and ensuring that the right pages are indexed for the right countries.

How to implement hreflang on multilingual ecommerce large sites?

muhammad replied to thread How to implement hreflang on multilingual ecommerce large sites?

If your website doesn't use a content management system (CMS) and you need to implement hreflang tags on a large e-commerce site without automated tools, here's a manual approach to make the process more efficient:

Create a Spreadsheet: Begin by creating a spreadsheet that lists all of your website's pages along with their corresponding language and region. Use columns for URL, language code, and region code.

Generate Hreflang Tags: In the spreadsheet, use formulas or text concatenation to generate the hreflang tags for each page. For example, if your URLs are in column A, language codes in column B, and region codes in column C, you can use a formula like =CONCATENATE("") in an adjacent column to create the hreflang tag.

Copy-Paste to HTML: Once you have generated hreflang tags for all pages in your spreadsheet, copy the generated tags and paste them into the section of each HTML page. If you have a consistent template for your pages, you might be able to add the tags to the template to ensure they appear on all pages.

XML Sitemap with Hreflang Tags: Additionally, for a large site, you can create separate XML sitemaps for each language or region, and include the hreflang tags within the sitemaps. There are various tools and scripts available that can help you automate the generation of these sitemaps based on your spreadsheet data.

Regular Audits and Checks: Perform regular audits and checks to ensure that the hreflang tags are correctly implemented and that there are no issues or errors. You can use SEO auditing tools or Google Search Console for this purpose.

While manually adding hreflang tags to each page can be time-consuming, using a spreadsheet to generate the tags based on a structured plan can help streamline the process. However, it's crucial to be diligent and accurate in this manual approach, especially on a large e-commerce site, to avoid errors and maintain proper SEO performance.




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