Jun 26, 2024

internal links

learning replied to thread internal links

Thank you all sorted now. I couldn’t find the internal link but have done so.

Jun 25, 2024

internal links

learning published thread internal links

Hi I am new here and hoping to find an answer to redirects please. My to nav bar has a link to e.g business. co. uk/ pageold I changed the link to business co.uk/ pagenew I used a redirection to do this. Now AHREf shows that this link needs to be linked to the destination page I redirected it because I have added the original link business.co. uk /pageold to social media and so when someone clicks it they should get the updated business.co.uk / pagenew

I don't know how to change just the internal link on each of the landing pages on the website without losing the originl link.




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