Mar 16, 2022

Robots.txt file clarification

jigsawacademy replied to thread Robots.txt file clarification

Thanks for your reply...

Re: Robots.txt file clarification

jigsawacademy upvoted Re: Robots.txt file clarification

Search engines treat each domain as a separate site. Each domain has its own separate file. On the main domain in robots.txt, you do not need to specify settings for the subdomain.

Mar 15, 2022

Robots.txt file clarification

jigsawacademy published thread Robots.txt file clarification

My website has a few subdomains, but I need to disallow it from google. After a long review, I have found that all subdomains have their own robots.txt file and from there you need to disallow the boot to index that page from google.

But my main concern is shall I disallow that subdomain from my main website robots.txt file

Subdomain -
Main domain -


Bangalore, Karnataka India

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