May 22, 2024

improve Google ranking of newly created site

cheffe10 published thread improve Google ranking of newly created site

Hi folks,

I published this website about a month ago. The domain has been around for a while, but until recently it only redirected to another page of the company. Now I have also created a website for this domain, using wordpress. In my opinion I would have fulfilled all the necessary requirements for a solid google ranking.

Unfortunately, the site only ranks 31st place, which is of course far too low.

Here are the things I have done:

  • Used Yoast SEO
  • Google Page Speed optimized
  • I know the mobile page rating could be a bit better, but I have pages with a less good ranking which perform well
  • Created a Google Search Console entry and indexed all pages. I did this manually after 2 weeks, because Google didn't index the website by itself.
  • Improved the content with neuron writer

I wouldn't know what else to do. The traffic on the day of publication was alright for this type of website in my opinion.

Do you have any tips for me on what i can/should/must improve?

Thanks for the help!




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