May 30, 2023

Why am I not on page 1 of google?

belizeguy67 replied to thread Why am I not on page 1 of google?

Thanks for your reply and advice. Which platform (free hopefully) do you use to check your competitors?

May 29, 2023

Why am I not on page 1 of google?

belizeguy67 published thread Why am I not on page 1 of google?

need your help. My domain has a TF of 47, Ahref DR of 71, Moz DA of 58, page is optimized to load fast and gets excellent speed scores and I use RankMath and it gives me a 95 for my main KW 'Belize real estate', but the KW is only in position 17. What else can I do? Am I doing anything wrong?



San Pedro, Belize

Website developer, SEO, Facebook Marketing, Real Estate Broker

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