Aug 10, 2021

Re: Are gambling links relevant to a videogame website?

azulere upvoted Re: Are gambling links relevant to a videogame website?

Did you check the spam score and toxic score of this sites? They are really famous for it.

The relevance between gambling and gaming is discussable.

Are gambling links relevant to a videogame website?

azulere replied to thread Are gambling links relevant to a videogame website?

Thanks for the reply. No, I sadly didn't do this. Can you please let me know if I am able to do this for free?

Aug 9, 2021

Are gambling links relevant to a videogame website?

azulere published thread Are gambling links relevant to a videogame website?

I own a videogame website, and have a number of paid gambling links present on it. I know that links should be relevant, so with that said, would the good folks on this forum deem gambling links suitable for a videogame website? Or will these be seriously damaging my site?

Thanks in advance for any replies :)




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