May 11, 2023

My Website is not showing up in the google ? replied to thread My Website is not showing up in the google ?

If your website is not showing up in Google search results, there could be a few reasons for this:

Your website is new and has not been indexed by Google yet: It can take some time for Google to find and index your website. To speed up the process, you can submit your website to Google Search Console and request indexing.

Your website is not optimized for search engines: If your website is not optimized for search engines, it may be difficult for Google to understand what your website is about and rank it accordingly. You can optimize your website by using relevant keywords in your content, meta tags, and URLs, improving website speed, and making sure your website is mobile-friendly.

Your website has been penalized by Google: If your website has violated Google's webmaster guidelines, it may have been penalized and removed from search results. Common reasons for penalties include using black hat SEO techniques, having low-quality content, or having too many spammy backlinks. You can check for penalties by using Google Search Console.

Your website has been blocked by a robots.txt file: If your website has a robots.txt file that blocks Google from indexing certain pages, it may not appear in search results. Make sure your robots.txt file is set up correctly and is not blocking important pages.

Your website has duplicate content: If your website has duplicate content, Google may not rank it as highly in search results. Make sure your website has unique, high-quality content.

If you are still having trouble getting your website to appear in Google search results, you may want to consider consulting with a professional SEO expert who can help you identify and address any issues.

May 2, 2023

Short but rich content better than skyscraper replied to thread Short but rich content better than skyscraper

The debate between short and long content depends on the context and objectives. Sometimes, a concise and focused piece of writing can be more impactful than a longer one which isn't as focused. For example, if the aim is to engage and inform quickly, shorter content is likely to be better. Plus, it's usually easier to consume and share on social. But if the aim is to provide in-depth analysis or comprehensive coverage, a longer piece of content may be more successful. The skyscraper approach can also be necessary to explore a complex topic or create a comprehensive guide. Ultimately, the length and format should depend on the goals, target audience, and the topic being covered. Both long and short content can be effective when written with the right objectives and audience in mind.

Apr 27, 2023

What types of backlinks should I do and follow for each month? published thread What types of backlinks should I do and follow for each month?

What method should I follow to do a backlink for the website and what types of backlinks should i follow each month

Apr 16, 2023

What is javascript SEO? How to implement it? published thread What is javascript SEO? How to implement it?

what factors to see to fix SEO issue of javascript.

Apr 15, 2023

How can I rank my brand new website on Google first page? replied to thread How can I rank my brand new website on Google first page?

Ranking a brand-new website on the first page of Google is a challenging task that requires a combination of different strategies. Here are some steps you can take to improve your website's chances of ranking on the first page of Google:

Research and target the right keywords: Use keyword research tools to identify relevant keywords related to your business that people are searching for. Optimize your content with those keywords, but make sure not to overuse them, as this can hurt your rankings.

Create high-quality, engaging content: Google loves content that provides value to users. Focus on creating high-quality, informative, and engaging content that answers the questions your target audience is asking.

Optimize your website structure: Ensure that your website's structure is search engine friendly. This includes optimizing your page titles, meta descriptions, and header tags.

Build high-quality backlinks: Backlinks are one of the most important ranking factors. Focus on building high-quality backlinks from reputable websites in your industry. You can do this by creating useful content that others would want to link to or by reaching out to other websites in your industry and asking for a link.

Use social media to promote your content: Use social media channels to promote your content and build your brand awareness. This can help increase traffic to your website, which can improve your rankings.

Ensure your website is mobile-friendly: Google favors mobile-friendly websites in its search results, so ensure that your website is optimized for mobile devices.

Be patient: Ranking a brand new website on the first page of Google takes time and effort. Be patient and keep working on improving your website's content and search engine optimization strategies.

Remember that search engine optimization is an ongoing process, and it requires continuous effort and attention to maintain and improve your rankings over time.

Indexing Issues: What could be the reason? replied to thread Indexing Issues: What could be the reason?

Would you be more specific about what issue are experiencing? with a screenshot?

I am Andrewecook an SEO expert and professional Digital Marketer. I am passionate about using digital channels to connect with consumers and help businesses achieve their marketing goals. I began my career in digital marketing as a social media specialist, where create and manage social media campaigns that increased brand awareness and engagement.

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