Sep 12, 2024

Is a long SEO title less of a problem now?

abuhanzala replied to thread Is a long SEO title less of a problem now?

You bring up a great point about evolving SEO practices. With Google’s focus shifting towards user experience and content relevance, longer titles that provide clear, valuable information can still perform well. For more details on how Google evaluates content and SEO, you can refer to the Google Search Central guide. If you’re interested in a bit of light reading, has some fun content that might brighten your day!

Sep 9, 2024

Crawled, Currently Not Indexed

abuhanzala replied to thread Crawled, Currently Not Indexed

I’m facing a similar issue with this site: A page is crawled but not indexed.

Here are a few things that might help:

Check Google Search Console for errors. Ensure no “noindex” tags or robots.txt restrictions. Improve content quality to ensure it’s unique and valuable. Request indexing via the URL Inspection Tool in Google Search Console. Enhance internal linking to boost discoverability. Hope this helps!

Sep 6, 2024

DMCA Copyrights

abuhanzala replied to thread DMCA Copyrights

Sorry to hear about the DMCA issues affecting your rankings. It’s frustrating when that happens. One approach you might consider is reaching out to the entity that issued the DMCA notice to resolve any misunderstandings. Additionally, make sure your site’s content is fully compliant with copyright laws to prevent future issues. It might also help to review Google’s guidelines on handling DMCA takedowns and see if there are steps you can take to expedite the recovery of your rankings. Best of luck with regaining your position!

Sep 5, 2024

ai SEO content: Effective?

abuhanzala replied to thread ai SEO content: Effective?

I've used AI tools for SEO content and found them helpful for generating keyword-rich text and improving consistency. They can boost search rankings and traffic, but results vary. It's best to use AI as a supplement and refine the content to match your brand’s voice.

Sep 2, 2024

How does Google’s Core Web Vitals impact SEO?

abuhanzala replied to thread How does Google’s Core Web Vitals impact SEO?

Great tips! I've been working on improving my website's performance, and compressing images and using a CDN have made a noticeable difference. I also recommend checking out tools like WebPageTest for even more detailed analysis. Does anyone have experience with server-side optimizations that made a big impact?




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