Dec 14, 2023

Link building strategy

Komila replied to thread Link building strategy

Mostly use your brandname and keyword variations for your link building campaigns.

Successful 6-Month SEO Strategy

Komila replied to thread Successful 6-Month SEO Strategy

Hello Branndonut,

  1. Audience Insights

Appreciate the focus on understanding the audience through tools like Google Analytics. Identifying demographics and online behavior is foundational for creating content that truly resonates.

  1. Strategic Keyword Research

Your point on finding impactful, low-competition keywords using tools like SEMrush is spot on. Thorough keyword research is a game-changer for a robust SEO strategy.

  1. User-Centric On-Page Optimization

The emphasis on seamlessly incorporating keywords into titles, meta descriptions, and header tags for improved search engine visibility is a crucial reminder. User-centric optimization is key.

Thanks for the concise guide. Looking forward to implementing these insights for a stronger digital footprint.

Thanks, Komila




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